Mini Sand Pail with Toys and Lid - TOYPAL | TY Ink Promotions

Mini Sand Pail with Toys and Lid

  • Each set comes with two sand molds, a lid/sifter, shovel, rake and watering can (styles and colors will vary)
  • Pail available in blue only
Production Time: 12 Working Days
150 $7.26 each
250 $6.85 each
500 $6.65 each
1000 $6.26 each
2500 $6.05 each
5000 $5.85 each
$60.00 each
Portable to take on a trip to the beach or just out in the backyard. This mini sand pail with toys and lid is the perfect promotional giveaways for resorts, vacation spots, beach clubs or spas! Ideal for daycares, travel agencies and community centers.
Each set comes with: 2 sand molds, lid/sifter, 1 shovel, 1 rake, 1 watering can
Available in red and blue

Normal Production Time
12 Working Days

Product Size
9" x 6 1/2" dia.

Additional Information
Production time begins from proof approval.
Pricing Includes one color/one location imprint.
Material: Plastic
Imprint Method: Pad printed
Imprint Location: Front
Alternative Imprint Location: Back
Imprint Area: 1 1/2" dia. (One color imprint only)
1,000+ pcs orders: 15-20 business days after proof approval

TY Ink Promotions

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(502) 394-0802  •  PO Box 7382, Louisville, KY 40257